Source code for openepda.validators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This file contains validators for the data formats defined by
the openEPDA.

Author: Dima Pustakhod
Copyright: 2020, TU/e - PITC and authors
import os
from itertools import chain
from numbers import Real
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable

from .expr import OpenEpdaExpressionError, check_parameter_name, openepda_parser

    from ruamel.yaml import YAML

    yaml = YAML(typ="safe")
    safe_load = yaml.load
except ImportError:
    from yaml import safe_load

module_fpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, ".."))

CDF_VERSIONS = ["0.1", "0.2", "0.3"]
CDF_VERSION_STATUS = {'stable': '0.3', 'latest': "0.3"}
CDF_SCHEMA_NAME_TEMPLATE = "/schemas/cdf_schema_v{version}.yaml"

UPDK_SBB_VERSIONS = ["0.4", "0.3", "0.2"]
UPDK_SBB_VERSION_STATUS = {'stable': '0.3', "draft": '0.4', 'latest': "0.4"}
UPDK_SBB_SCHEMA_NAME_TEMPLATE = "/schemas/updk_sbb_schema_v{version}.yaml"

def get_version_number(version, all_versions, version_status: Dict[str, str]):
    assert set(version_status.values()) - set(all_versions) == set()

    if version in all_versions:
        result = version
    elif version in version_status:
        result = version_status[version]
        allowed_versions = all_versions + list(version_status)
        raise ValueError(
            f"Unknown version specified: {version}. "
            f"Allowed versions: {allowed_versions}."
    return result

[docs]def is_cdf_valid(data, version="latest", raise_error=False, full_output=False): """Check if the data is a correct CDF of a given version. JSON Schema is used for validation. See Parameters ---------- data : any data structure to be validated version : str CDF format version, 'X.Y' or 'latest' raise_error : bool If True, a jsonschema.ValidationError is raised in case of wrong format. If False, a boolean result will be returned (with optional message). full_output : bool If False, only resulting boolean value is returned. Otherwise, additional string with a validation message is returned. Returns ------- bool validation result str validation message (optional) Examples -------- >>> with open('tests/_test_data/cdf_v0.3_correct.cdf') as s: ... data = safe_load(s) >>> is_cdf_valid(data, raise_error=False) True >>> is_cdf_valid(data, version='0.3', raise_error=False) True """ from jsonschema import ValidationError, validate version = get_version_number(version, CDF_VERSIONS, CDF_VERSION_STATUS) cdf_schema_file_name = module_fpath + CDF_SCHEMA_NAME_TEMPLATE.format( version=version ) with open(cdf_schema_file_name) as s: schema = safe_load(s) # default reply result, msg = True, "Data is valid CDF v.{version}.".format(version=version) # Validate against the schema if raise_error: validate(instance=data, schema=schema) else: try: validate(instance=data, schema=schema) except ValidationError as e: result = False msg = str(e) if full_output: return result, msg else: return result
[docs]def is_updk_sbb_valid( data, version="latest", raise_error=False, full_output=False ): """Check if the data structure is a correct uPDK SBB. JSON Schema is used for validation. See . Validation runs against a specification with a given version. Parameters ---------- data : Dict data structure to be validated version : str format version, 'X.Y' or 'latest' raise_error : bool If True, a jsonschema.ValidationError is raised in case of wrong format. If False, an boolean result will be returned (with optional message). full_output : bool If False, only resulting boolean value is returned. Otherwise, additional string with a validation message is returned. Returns ------- bool validation result str validation message (optional) Examples -------- >>> with open('tests/_test_data/sbb_v0.4_correct.yaml') as s: ... data = safe_load(s) >>> is_updk_sbb_valid(data, raise_error=True) True """ from jsonschema import ValidationError, validate version = get_version_number(version, UPDK_SBB_VERSIONS, UPDK_SBB_VERSION_STATUS) updk_schema_file_name = module_fpath + UPDK_SBB_SCHEMA_NAME_TEMPLATE.format( version=version ) with open(updk_schema_file_name) as s: schema = safe_load(s) # default reply result, msg = True, "Data is valid uPDK SBB v.{}.".format(version) # validate against the schema if raise_error: validate(instance=data, schema=schema) else: try: validate(instance=data, schema=schema) except ValidationError as e: result = False msg = str(e) # validate bb parameter names if result: if raise_error: _check_building_blocks(data["blocks"]) else: try: _check_building_blocks(data["blocks"]) except ValueError as e: result = False msg = str(e) if full_output: return result, msg else: return result
def _check_building_blocks(building_blocks): """Check building blocks' params and expressions. Parameters ---------- building_blocks : dict Returns ------- bool True if all BBs are correct Raises ------ ValueError if check fails """ for bb_name, bb in building_blocks.items(): _check_building_block(bb_name, bb) def _check_building_block(bb_name, bb): """Check building blocks' params and expressions. Currently checking: - BB parameter names - BB width, length expressions - BB bounding box coordinates - BB pins width and xya Parameters ---------- bb_name : str name of the building block. bb : dict Building block item from the uPDK. Returns ------- bool True if all BBs are correct Raises ------ ValueError if check fails """ # Check parameters has_params = bool(bb["parameters"]) if has_params: for name, param in bb["parameters"].items(): _check_parameter(name, param, bb_name) bb_params = set(bb["parameters"].keys()) else: bb_params = set() if "bb_width" in bb: _check_bb_num_value(bb["bb_width"], bb_name, params=bb_params) if "bb_length" in bb: _check_bb_num_value(bb["bb_length"], bb_name, params=bb_params) # check bbox _check_bbox(bb["bbox"], bb_name, bb_params) # check pins for pin_name, pin in bb["pins"].items(): _check_pin(pin_name, pin, bb_name, bb_params) for p in ("pin_in", "pin_out"): if p in bb: if not bb[p] in bb["pins"].keys(): raise ValueError( "{} '{}' is not present in the list of pins " "for in BB {}.".format(p, bb["pin_in"], bb_name) ) return True def _check_parameter(name, data, bb_name): check_parameter_name(name, reserved=openepda_parser.reserved_identifiers) def _check_bbox(bbox_data, bb_name, bb_params: Iterable[str]): # check bbox for bbox_coord_expr in chain(*bbox_data): _check_bb_num_value(bbox_coord_expr, bb_name, params=bb_params) def _check_bb_num_value( v, bb_name, params: Iterable[str] = (), parser=openepda_parser ): """Wrapper around _check_num_value() for BB params. """ try: _check_num_value(v, params=params, parser=parser) except OpenEpdaExpressionError as e: raise ValueError( "error in numeric value in BB {}: {}".format(bb_name, e) ) return True def _check_pin(pin_name, pin_data, bb_name, bb_params: Iterable[str]): _check_pin_num_value(pin_data["width"], pin_name, bb_name, params=bb_params) for i in range(3): _check_pin_num_value( pin_data["xya"][i], pin_name, bb_name, params=bb_params ) def _check_pin_num_value( v, pin_name, bb_name, params: Iterable[str] = (), parser=openepda_parser ): """Wrapper around _check_num_value() for BB pin params. """ try: _check_num_value(v, params=params, parser=parser) except OpenEpdaExpressionError as e: raise ValueError( "error in numeric value in pin {} of BB {}: {}".format( pin_name, bb_name, e ) ) return True def _check_num_value(v, params: Iterable[str] = (), parser=openepda_parser): """Check if the value is a proper number or expression Check is successful if the expression is a number, or if: - expression can be parsed using parser - it contains only params which are explicitly listed in params Parameters ---------- v : num or str Expression to be checked. params : iterable of str allowed variable names. parser : _BaseParser parser to be used for the expression parsing Returns ------- bool True if expr is correct Raises ------ ValueError if the check is not successful """ if isinstance(v, Real): return True else: return parser.check_missing_params(v, params) def main(): import doctest os.chdir("{}/..".format(module_fpath)) doctest.testmod(verbose=False) if __name__ == "__main__": main()