.. _openepda_cdf_format_specification_v0_3: ==================== Version 0.3 (latest) ==================== A file conforming to the openEPDA CDF format has the following structure. The first line is the format identifier, ``# openEPDA CDF``. After this, the data section follows, which adheres to the `YAML format `_, and contains all settings (numeric and textual) data in the form of an associative array. An example of a file recorded in the openEPDA CDF format is shown below. JSON Schema =========== In order to validate the CDF data, the following `JSON Schema `_ can be used: :download:`cdf_schema_v0.3.yaml `. In case of documentation disagreements, JSON schema has priority. Attributes ========== In this section, a list and explanation of the attributes is given. Additional attributes which are not listed below are not allowed. Required -------- The following attributes are required to be present in the CDF: * ``_openEPDA``: a dictionary defining the format and its version. See the field in the example. * ``cdf``: a string with a unique identifier of the CDF. * ``cell``: a string with an identifier of the PIC design described by the CDF. * ``unit``: a string defining the length unit for the coordinates in the file. * ``bbox``: a list with the coordinates of two bounding box corners, (south-west and north-east). * ``io``: A dictionary with IOs located on the chip. Optional -------- The following attributes are optional to be present in the CDF: * ``fiducial``: a dictionary with fiducial markers on the chip. Example CDF =========== .. include:: example.rst