.. _openepda_data_format_v0_2: ==================== Version 0.2 (latest) ==================== A file conforming to the openEPDA data format is a text file with UTF-8 encoding. A file has the following structure. The first line is a format identifier, ``# openEPDA DATA FORMAT``. After this, the data part follows, which contains two sections. The first section adheres to the `YAML format `_, and contains all scalar (numeric and textual) data in the name: value form. This format is applicable for storing all previously mentioned types of the data. The second section is a CSV-formatted (`RFC 4180 CSV Files `_) part to store the tabular measurement data. An example of a file recorded in the openEPDA data format is shown below. Line 1 specifies the file format. Lines 2 to 16 contain metadata in YAML-format, including the values for two reserved keys. Here, only string and float data types are used, however arrays and maps can also be included. Line 18 contains a standard document-end marker. Lines 19 to the end of the document contain the CSV-formatted tabular data with a single header line. Attributes ========== Reserved -------- The following keys have a special meaning: * ``_timestamp``: time the data was created in ISO format. * ``_openEPDA_version``: string defining the format version, e.g. ``'0.2'`` Example data file ================= +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Line number | File contents | +=============+====================================================+ | 1 | ``# openEPDA DATA FORMAT`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 2 | ``_timestamp: '2018-09-12T09:59:19.310182'`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 3 | ``_openEPDA_version: '0.2'`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 4 | ``project: OpenPICs`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 5 | ``setup: RF setup`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 6 | ``operator: Xaveer`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 7 | ``wafer: 36386X`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 8 | ``sample: 13L8`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 9 | ``cell: SP35-1-3`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 10 | ``circuit: MSSOA1-6`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 11 | ``'current_density, kA/cm**2': 1`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 12 | ``'reverse_bias, V': -2`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 13 | ``configuration: 1`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 14 | ``polarization: TE`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 15 | ``port: 'ioE132'`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 16 | ``'chip_temperature, degC': 18`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 17 | ``'water_temperature, degC': 14`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 18 | ``...`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 19 | ``"wavelength, nm","transmitted power, dBm"`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 20 | ``1550.0000000000000e+00,-21.000000000000000e+00`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 21 | ``1551.0000000000000e+00,-22.000000000000000e+00`` | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+