Version 0.2

A file conforming to the openEPDA data format has the following structure. The first line is a format identifier, # openEPDA CDF. After this, the data section follows, which adheres to the YAML format [1], and contains all settings (numeric and textual) data in the form of an associative array.

An example of a file recorded in the openEPDA CDF format is shown below.

Reserved keys

The following keys are required to be present in the CDF:

  • _openEPDA: an object defining the format and its version.

  • cdf: a string with a unique identifier of the CDF

  • cell: a string with an identifier of the PIC design to be measured

  • unit: a string defining a unit for the coordinates in the file

  • bbox: a list with the coordinates of two bounding box corners, (south-west and north-east).

  • io: An object with IOs located on the chip.

The following keys are optional to be present in the CDF:

  • fiducial: an object with fiducial markers on the chip.

Example CDF file

# openEPDA CDF
  format: openEPDA-CDF
  version: "0.2"
  link: ""

cdf: SP19-34
cell: SP19-34
unit: um

  - [-50, -50]
  - [4550, 3950]

    - fidt0: [2250, 257.5]
    - fidt1: [2250, 3642.5]
    - cul0: [1737.5, 257.5]
    - cul1: [1737.5, 3642.5]
    - dsk0: [1500.0, 1500.0]

    - ioW001: [-50, 25]
    - ioW003: [-50, 50]
    - ioW005: [-50, 75]
    - ioW007: [-50, 100]
    - ioW009: [-50, 125]
    - ioE001: [4550, 25]
    - ioE003: [4550, 50]
    - ioE005: [4550, 75]
    - ioE007: [4550, 100]
    - ioE009: [4550, 125]
    - dc0N00: [4350, 3845]
    - dc0N01: [4200, 3845]
    - dc0S00: [150, 55]
    - dc0S01: [300, 55]
    - rf0W00: [150, 1200]


1. “YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) Version 1.2.”